• Category: Women's Health
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Keeping Your Mental Health in Check During a Pandemic

Hi! How are you doing? Like, really doing? We know we are living through some tough times and wanted to make sure you’re taking every measure to take care of yourself, especially when it comes to mental health.

As the days spent prominently inside the house pile on top of each other, our regular “treat-your-self” go-to’s are starting to hit differently: the lines between work and leisure fade and with them, all of life’s little pleasures that used to bring us so much joy. As grueling as it sounds, this is our new normal, or at least for the next few months, which is why we decided to give you some tips to help you cope in a healthy way.

Step out.

Go walk around your house, notice, and appreciate everything around you. Moving will make you feel a lot less stuck in anxiety and frustrating thoughts! It will make you feel like you’ve shaken a lot of unnecessary weight, bringing you down. Trust us.

Get some plant friends

If you live alone, find something to take care of. Are you already a plant mom? This could be good moment to start; experts agree that people who surround themselves with plant life and other forms of natural beauty, indoors and out, experience emotional and mental health benefits that have a positive impact on their social, psychological, physical, cognitive, environmental, and spiritual well-being.

Nourish yourself!

Treats, snacks, and wine are all great, but they should not be your diet staples. Yes, we know somedays it’s harder to get out of bed, let alone cook something healthy from scratch; that’s why meal prepping on your more active and optimistic days is a lifesaver. Remember to hydrate regularly and be mindful of the nutrients you’re getting from veggies and fruits; this will help you be happier in a longer, more fulfilling way.

Calm down, literally.

Whenever you’re feeling too overwhelmed, stop everything you’re doing and focus on some breathing exercises. Bonus points if you add some stretching, candles, or aromatherapy.

Check on your routine.

You’ve probably tried to establish an order to your days since all of this started, and maybe it is time to reassess: has it worked for you? What details of it could be better? Tweak on it to make it more realistic to your everyday duties (to others and to yourself).

Don’t get too consumed in social media.

Check the news you need to and feel free to disconnect! You won’t solve the earth’s crisis by reposting on Instagram. Relax and take your time to process everything we are living.

Don’t forget about therapy.

It has probably never been more critical for us to speak to a professional, so use this as the little nudge you need to contact them and ask them for a zoom session!

We hope this will help you get through these tough times with your mental and physical health in check!

* The content provided herein is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as substitute for a consultation with a physician.