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Breast Implant Safety Matters
Breast Implant Safety: Traceability; the importance of registering your breast implants.
Over the last century, women worldwide have been undertaking breast augmentation procedures to enhance the size and shape of their…

Breast Implant Safety Matters
Breast Implant Illness FAQ
What is Breast implant illness? Breast implant illness (BII) is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms that…

Breast Implant Safety Matters
BIA-ALCL: Covering the basics
If you’ve been doing your research on breast augmentation before going through the procedure, you’ve probably encountered the BIA-ALCL acronym.…

Breast Implant Safety Matters
Breast Implants Are Not Lifetime Devices
Breast implants are not lifetime devices, and that’s ok! Althoughbreast implants are designed to be highly durable and long-lasting, and…

Breast Implant Safety Matters
Breast procedures: Which one is for you?
Many women undergo breast surgery to enhance the appearance of their breasts for a variety of reasons. For most of…